Carolyn Ketchel: Thanksgiving Greetings


Carolyn Newcomer Ketchel, Okaloosa County Commissioner, District 2As we approach the holidays and especially Thanksgiving, as your Commissioner, I am thankful for the many ways that our Public Works team has been able to produce needed projects for the citizens of Okaloosa County. The list is long and shows the difference the ½ penny sales tax has made for our county. The County Commission has been able to leverage money collected with grants on a state and federal level to enhance our area roads, public safety and storm water program. These projects offer amenities that we would not have been able to accomplish for years otherwise.

• Widening of P.J. Adams Parkway from SR 85 to Crab Apple Dr.
• Stabilized more than 50 miles of dirt roads with lime rocks.
• Resurfaced over 13 miles of roadway and stabilized all previous cold-mix stabilized roads with in-house paving staff.
• Bluewater Bay Hazard Mitigation project
• Bob White Drive storm water improvement project.

Ongoing Projects of Major Note:
• SW Crestview Bypass: Anticipated completion in fiscal year 25 to provide access from Antioch Rd. to SR 85 and a connection between this new roadway and Hwy 90. This will ultimately provide a direct connection to I-10 as FDOT continues the construction of the new interchange.
• West 98 Parallel Collector Rd.: Intended to improve traffic congestion on west 98 in the vicinity of Hurlburt Field. This is a collaborative effort between the County, Eglin AFB and FDOT to reduce the need for access to uncontrolled intersections along U.S. 98 and to divert traffic to controlled intersections.
• Bridge to Bridge Multi-use Path: Under construction and to be completed in fiscal year 25. This project provides a safe pathway for pedestrians and bicyclists adjacent to U.S. 98 from the Brooks Bridge to the Destin Bridge *
• Widening, resurfacing, and bridge improvements to HWY 2: Safety widening of travel lanes from 10.5’ to 12’, reconstruction of the roadway base and travel surface, and rehabilitation of the Yellow River Bridge.
• Construction of the South Ag Extension Building: Construction of a nearly 3,000 s.f. facility (located adjacent to the South Farmer’s Market) that will be used for the education, growth and development of agricultural services in Okaloosa County and scheduled to open in fiscal year ‘25.
• Completion of all dirt road stabilization with lime rock and continued capping with asphalt to reduce erosion impacts and improve access/safety of roadways.
• Santa Rosa Blvd. Improvements: Project is advancing past the 60% design level with a large focus on utility coordination and implementation of storm water improvements. Access to parcels and a safe pedestrian/multi-use path are incorporated into the design and moving forward to future construction.

Other Efforts/Projects:
• Collected and processed over 1M pounds of Household Hazardous Waste
• Maintained over 1,000 miles of county-maintained roadways/rights-of-way and 297 storm water management areas
• Mosquito control services for over 530,000 acres of land
Coordination with FDOT on Brooks Bridge Reconstruction, SR 85 improvements (widening from Shoal River to P.J. Adams Parkway), and I-10 interchange
• Live Oak Church Road, John King Rd., and P.J. Adams Parkway intersection improvements with SR 85
• Veterans Park and Living Shoreline Improvements

In conclusion, this holiday season, I give thanks to you, the citizens of Okaloosa County, because you approved the ½ penny sales tax to provide leverage for much needed improvements that have made a difference and enhance our county roads, environment and public safety.

*The Bike Path between Brooks Bridge and Destin Bridge is underway. The path will glow sky blue at night with the photo-luminescent rocks mixed in the asphalt. It will save countless lives and prevent injuries and is expected to open around April 2025. A big shout out to Eglin AFB for their partnership in this effort.

It is an honor to serve as your County Commissioner. Happy Thanksgiving!

~ Carolyn Ketchel is Okaloosa County Commissioner, District 2.
She can be reached at or 850-651-7105.