Another Day in Paradise


By A Long-Time Local

White sand beaches and emerald waters…we live in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Of course, you might enjoy some of the many activities offered here—fishing, scuba diving, sailing and powerboating.

For the “real” adventure seeker, there is one of the most challenging activities known to man. To get started, get into your car, buckle up and drive to any main road in the area. Pull up to a red light. The first thing you will notice is the “skilled” drivers that pass you, drive right through the red light and extend you a hand gesture as they pass you at twice the speed limit.

Now this is where it gets fun! The other car behind you, which assumed you were going to run the red light like the others, is speeding towards your bumper and stops just inches away from you.

There’s nothing like the adrenaline rush you get thinking your car will be totaled, because you were obeying the law. So, keep alert! There’s always plenty of follies here, speeding cars, red light runners, near misses and fender benders. Our local law enforcement and first responders have a tough enough job as it is. Defensive driving is not a luxury, but a matter of survival. Be smart. Stay safe. And happy motoring, y’all!

*Views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Life Media and FWB Life.