Are You Ready?


By Melissa Forte-Litscher

Melissa Photo 2Getting ready for winter weather and the holidays? Here are some tips to consider for yard and home maintenance and guest appearances. To take advantage of these crisp fall days, start with the garden beds. Rake fallen leaves, deadhead your annuals, prune back the perennials and roses, and clean up the summer vegetables before the first frost. If you are planting new bulbs for spring blooms, like colorful tulips, daffodils, crocuses, irises and hyacinths, put them in the ground now. Once they are planted, go ahead and mulch your flower beds. Two to four inches of organic material like wood chips, shredded leaves or pine straw provides the protective blanket they need to germinate over the winter months.

This is also a good time to plant a tree as the cooler temperatures and moisture help the roots establish before the heat of the summer. Additionally, clean out your gutters, making sure the water is diverted away from your house by 3-4 feet, and clear your roof of branches and leaves to prevent them from collecting moisture and causing damage.

Beautiful Home With Green Grass YardWhen your final mow of the yard is complete and you are ready to put the lawn mower away, take some steps to make sure it will be ready to go in the spring. Wipe away any grass and dirt that clings to the machine, and consider having the blades sharpened by a professional. If you have a gas lawn mower, use up the last of the gasoline in the tank or add fuel stabilizer to keep the engine healthy and remove and store the battery from your electric mower.

Check the exterior of your home for any leaking or cracked seals around your windows and doors. Keep warm air in and cold air out, and reduce your heating bills at the same time, by taking care of any leaks now. Use caulk to seal any cracks or chips around windows, and install weather stripping around doors. While you are inspecting for leaks around the house, check for any holes that mice or rodents might enter when it gets cold outside; they might want to share your warm space. Use caulk or steel wool to plug any holes.

Inside maintenance for fall includes changing the filters on your HVAC system. If you have a fireplace, make sure it is clean and the chimney is cleared. Check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and clean out your dryer vents. This is also the time to set your fan to rotate in a clockwise direction (opposite its operating direction in summer). Run it on low speed to create an updraft that draws the cooler air up and forces the heated air near the ceiling down and through the room.

Another chore on your annual maintenance list should include draining your hot water heater to remove accumulations of lime and other minerals that naturally occur in your tap water. When left untreated, this buildup can keep your appliance from functioning its best and put your system at risk for leaks and other problems.

The winter holidays usually mean more guests in your home. So, while you are putting the work in, perhaps add the following “sprucing up” tasks to the list. Repair any cracks in your walkways and driveway with masonry crack filler or a concrete patch. Change the porch and landscape lighting to longer lasting, cooler LEDs to brighten up your entrance. Clean and paint your entry door and trim for a fresh new look choosing gloss or semi-gloss paint for durability. And finally, upgrade your doormat. You and your guests will feel delighted with the new welcome!