Brooks Bridge and Santa Rosa Boulevard Improvements


Carolyn 2020 PicBy Carolyn Newcomer Ketchel

The FDOT Brooks Bridge Replacement Project Development and Environmental Study have been completed and aesthetics workshops have taken place. The design has been carefully vetted and replacement with a state-of-the-art bridge is underway. The careful design of the bridge and upcoming proposed bike path makes this the right time to improve Santa Rosa Boulevard. To see planned improvements to traffic flow, safety standards and aesthetics, type the address below into your browser to view the computer-generated animation of the Brooks Bridge replacement. NOTE – this address is case sensitive.

As the Brooks Bridge Replacement project moves forward, there are many unfounded truths regarding buildings that will be demolished. Everything that needed to be removed for the construction of the Brooks Bridge has been removed. Nothing else is scheduled to be moved, removed or demolished, other than the bridges themselves.
Brooks4The north side of the bridge will be constructed first. When the north side is finished, the south side will begin after which we will finally have our new Brooks Bridge. The new six-lane bridge will be completed by 2027. The bridge will be 10 feet higher than the existing bridge, and will begin on the Fort Walton Beach side immediately east of the Perry Ave. intersection with U.S. 98.

The great news is that it will bypass the existing intersection of Santa Rosa Boulevard with a new landing point just west the convention center. Traffic on Santa Rosa Boulevard will go under the new bridge with access to either a dedicated lane to get to Fort Walton Beach or an access road before the bridge to go to Destin. With additional lane capacity on the bridge, and the removal of the current intersection at Santa Rosa Boulevard, traffic in the area will flow more freely.

This new configuration will minimize traffic delays on Santa Rosa Boulevard, even during times of heavy traffic. After almost two years of reviews by year-round residents, we are pleased with the overwhelming support of the proposed Okaloosa Island improvements for Santa Rosa Boulevard. Through analysis of traffic patterns, input from residents and community partners, and expert advice of county engineers on the improvement concepts, the Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously in support of the changes for Okaloosa Island.

Motor vehicle lanes will range from five lanes at the heaviest point of entry, down to two lanes headed west, approaching the end of public access at the Eglin Airforce Base access. Please view the attached videos to see how the lane changes make for a better traffic flow with the new intersections at the Brooks Bridge.

Pedestrian-friendly features will be integrated into the design, such as sidewalks and a multi-use path, in addition to aesthetic landscape features. Type the following address into your browser to view renderings of improvement concepts. NOTE – this address is case sensitive.

Okaloosa Island will have storm water and infrastructure improvements, including a multimodal path and bicycle lanes, for enhanced safety of motorists and pedestrians. The county also considered input from Eglin Air Force Base in the concepts by implementing a gradual decrease of lanes at the West end of Santa Rosa Boulevard rather than the abrupt four-lane stop at the Eglin gate. While the majority of the audience was in favor of the improvements proposed, a few expressed resistances to change.

We continue to work with Florida Power and Light to identify ways to bury the power lines on the Island. We know at some point we will have a hurricane, or significant weather event, and underground lines would reduce the time needed to return power to our citizens.

Design drawings are being developed now. Once detailed topographic, soil and utility information has been analyzed, the many details required to properly design the improvements will be established and a construction schedule can be developed.

Finally, a proposed Bridge-to-Bridge Bike Path is in final stage of improvement with Eglin AFB. If built from Brooks Bridge to Destin (Marler) Bridge, this 12-foot-wide bike path, on the Gulf side, will save countless lives and injuries.

Carolyn Ketchel is Okaloosa County Commissioner, District 2. She can be reached at or 860-651-7105.