Calling Young Artists: Okaloosa Arts Alliance Announces 15th Annual Poster Contest!


Unleash your creativity and explore the meaning of art in the universe! The Okaloosa Arts Alliance (OAA) invites all Okaloosa County School students from kindergarten through 12th grade to participate in the 15th Annual OAA Okaloosa County School Poster Contest.

This year’s theme is “Art in Outer Space.” Let your imagination soar and interpret the theme in any way that inspires you. The contest is open to all Okaloosa County School students, kindergarten through 12th grade. Entries can be submitted by an Okaloosa County School or by an individual student.

First, Second and Third place winners will be chosen in three categories: Elementary School (K-4th), Middle School (5th-8th), and High School (9th-12th). Each winner in each category will receive a cash prize sponsored by the Eglin Federal Credit Union. First place winners’ artwork will be featured in the OAA newsletter and website. Winners will be awarded a gift certificate for a free music lesson at Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music.

Submission Guidelines:

– Only one entry per student is allowed.
– Include the artist’s name, grade, and school name on the front of the poster or attached below.
– Entries can be submitted in two ways:
– In person: Drop off your entry at Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music (105B Lewis St, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547) during business hours (9 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday). The venue is in the rear of the complex.
– Mail entries to: Okaloosa Arts Alliance-Poster Contest, P.O. Box 4426, FWB, FL 32549.
– Deadline is April 18, 2024.

Winners will be announced at a reception on Friday, April 19th, at 6:00 pm at Grow Your Gift Conservatory of Music. Viewers’ Choice Award will also be determined at the Reception.

There will be an instrument petting zoo at 5 pm and live performances by Grow Your Gift students starting at 6 pm

For More Information, visit: Contact Amy at or Grow Your Gift Music at 850-483-0800.