Casey Kearney Highlights Fierce Everyday Women


Nashville recording artist Casey Kearney, a well-known artist with local roots and featured in past Destin Life issues, has proven her songwriting prowess once again in her most recent release, “Was it You Was it Me,” where Casey’s writing skills are front and center. In this country meets sassy rocker hit, she pays homage to the women who bring a little spice to life and proudly own it, and includes a playful warning to men who chose these powerful women— this isn’t your average relationship.

Casey Kearney Highlights Fierce Everyday WomenRecorded in Nashville with award winning producer Doug Kahan, the new addition to Casey’s repertoire exhibits Casey’s versatility and complexity as both a vocal artist and songwriter. “It’s a fun song with a great beat that makes you want to sing along,” explains Casey, “but more importantly, I wanted to use the lyrics to tell all the women out there who may not be the stereotypical ‘sweet’ wife and mom… I see you. I am you. And we’re ok- even if they think we’re a little crazy.”

“We can so easily get stuck in the game of comparison, but if all the women I know could only see themselves like I see them- as the strong, spunky, independent women they are, it would change their lives.”

Putting her money where her mouth is, Casey set out to do just that in her soon to be released music video that was produced, filmed and edited by an all-female team, and highlights 10 gritty women who are breaking stereotypes in their everyday lives. “We have a mom with a toddler on her hip working cattle. A Legislative Chief of Staff who has spent a lifetime supporting her son’s baseball dreams and is his biggest cheerleader when he takes the field at the University of Alabama each week. A tough as nails championship team roper who owns her own super feminine boutique. A military pilot who didn’t earn her wings until her thirties when she realized she could indeed be anything she wanted to be. Plus, so many more women who have embraced unlikely paths and have extraordinary stories that I can’t wait to share with you.”

“Women are truly breaking stereotypes every single day, just living what they think is their very ordinary lives. But man, this is the good stuff that I want my daughter to see and know is real life.”

The video features each of these women and many more, doing their thing from driving heavy equipment to driving a Mercedes. However, the music video is just the start. Casey has created an entire social media project dedicated to each of these women, where they will be featured in photos, videos, and interviews about their views on being a strong woman.

“We joked about calling the project ‘The Feminine Badassery’ because the more we got into it, the more amazed I was at these women,” explains Casey. “At the same time, there was a common thread among them that I think is so indicative of the impact of society’s often unrealistic expectations on women— none of these ladies saw themselves as anything out of the ordinary.”

“When I dug a little deeper, many faced their own struggle with not fitting society’s definition of who they ‘should’ be as women.”

Casey said she herself had to learn to accept who God created her to be, even if it was a little louder and bossier than sometimes those around her might have wanted her to be. “It’s such an important message to ourselves and to our daughters that you don’t have to be just like everyone else to be ok. It was a difficult lesson for me, but one I fought hard for. I may be a little much for some, but I am just right for the right ones. I loved meeting so many women through this project who share similar personalities and the ups and downs that go with it.”

Casey fought so hard to learn that lesson that, in fact, she even wrote a children’s book about it that teaches young girls to embrace their uniqueness through a fun, over the top character and title, Felicity. She continues her work to empower women with her new “Was it You Was it Me” video and accompanying social media project as she honors these and all the everyday heroines who challenge the status quo and elevate all women in the process.

Casey’s video on Youtube and Facebook releases in May. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @caseykearneymusic for the full song project with special features of each woman. “Was it You Was it Me” was released April 29th on your favorite streaming outlets such as Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora and more.