By Gueary Clendenning
In our culture, we think of the day as starting in the morning and ending with night. In the Biblical culture, the opposite is true. Genesis chapter 1, verse 5 reads: “…and the evening and the morning were the first day.” In the Jewish calendar, the sabbath...
By Rick Moore
Not only was he the most beloved physician in town, he was also the president of the Mississippi County Woodworkers Association. After the death of his wife, Dr. Sullivan decided to retire and sell his practice. He had always been a very charitable person, but at this...
By Sean Dietrich
She was trash. At least that’s how she was treated. She was found wandering a rural Mississippi highway. Beneath the stars.
It was a wonder the girl hadn’t been hit. This was a busy highway. The kind with transfer trucks.
The dog was walking in the center of the...
By Rick Moore
The celebrated artist wanted to create one last masterpiece. He took a bucket of clay and placed some of it on the potter’s wheel. When he did, the lump of clay said, “What do you think you’re doing?” Though it was strange for the clay to talk...
By Sean Dietrich
The first concert I ever saw was the Oak Ridge Boys. I was 2 years old. Mama took me. I pooped my diaper while they were singing “Elvira.” My mother changed me at the foot of the stage as I was singing at the top of my...
Former local Sean Dietrich (he recently moved to Alabama) is a columnist and novelist known for his commentary on life in the American South. In addition to FWB Life, his work has appeared in Southern Living, The Tallahassee Democrat, Good Grit, South Magazine, Alabama Living, the Birmingham News, Thom...
Faith Independent Baptist Church and Southwest Radio Ministries (SWRC of Oklahoma City, Okla.) welcome you to the two-day 2023 Northwest Florida Prophecy Conference.
SWRC ministries began in 1933 and holds the distinction of being the longest-running continuous national radio program. Their programs have been broadcast on hundreds of radio stations...
By Rick Moore
Albert Einstein said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” He also said, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” He added, “Logic will get you...
By Sean Dietrich
10:40 P.M.—New Year’s Eve. Hank Williams is on my radio. My wife is sleeping in the passenger seat. My coonhound is in the backseat.
To bring in the year, we’ve gone for a drive on county roads that weave along the Choctawhatchee Bay.
There are no cars out. The...
By Matthew Vanderford
Being a part of a community means different things to different people. As a public insurance adjuster, being a part of the community means being present for businesses, property owners, renters and contractors who’ve experienced damage, suffered loss and need assistance in reaching a fair insurance claim...