Experience A Live Nativity This Season


By Bruce Garner

The birth of Christ is the main focus, but come to learn about the full salvation story from the miraculous birth, to the cross, to the resurrection.

Live Nativity 4The 36th Annual Live Nativity at First Baptist Church of Fort Walton Beach—a free gift to the city and the surrounding communities—is open nightly from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, December 13th through Friday, December 20th. Located next to the First Baptist Church sanctuary at the corner of 2nd and Church Street. there is ample, free parking in the church’s parking lot located just across the street from the Live Nativity.

The nativity scene includes Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus as well as the three Wise Men and Angels. Enter the nativity, have a photo taken and then depart to the Shepherd’s Field. Your nativity picture is printed immediately and you can pick up your photo as you depart the event.

As you enter the Shepherd’s Field, you’re provided hand-held feeding trays to feed the animals without putting your fingers at risk! All shepherds have buckets of sweet feed and carrots that they pass out to those who wish to feed the animals.

In the Shepherd’s Field there are sheep, miniature donkeys and for the first time, two camels to pet and feed. Naomi the camel, who has been a fixture at the Live Nativity for over a decade, had a baby boy—Nicodemus, or Nico for short. Middle school age shepherds are super-duper scoopers who make sure the Shepherd’s Field is safe to walk about during the Live Nativity!

Live Nativity 2As you leave the Shepherd’s Field, you’re greeted by a Roman Guard at the cross and directed toward the Empty Tomb where an Angel asks: “Why do you seek him here? He is Risen.” You’ll then pass the Candy Cane booth where children receive a candy cane and hear the story about its invention. The Deacon’s table with free Bibles is next and then you can also listen to seasonal, inspirational songs presented by the music department of the church as you partake of cookies, hot chocolate or coffee around one of the warm fire pits.

The Live Nativity is a no cost, no donation event. It is a fun time for both the costumed volunteers and guests as church members interact with the community and show the Love of Jesus as His birth is celebrated!

We hope to see you there!