Growing the Game


By Barbara Palmgren

U.S. Kids Golf – Winter tournament at Shalimar Pointe Golf Club

On Sunday, January 28, 2024, one of six local winter tournaments took place for this local organization. Played at Shalimar Pointe Golf Course, teen groups played 18 holes and younger golfers beginning at age 6, played nine holes.

I spoke with Denise Kafferly, tournament director, who stressed that her local organization is a teaching program as well as a tournament program. U.S. Kid Golf Local Tours are created to provide boys and girls, ages 5-18, the opportunity to advance their skills in the game in age-appropriate competitions. The local tour consists of between six and eight one-day tournaments including a season-ending one-day Local Tour Championship.

U.S. Golf itself is as a world-wide organization in over 40 countries. The U.S. Kids Golf World Championship is held at Pinehurst Golf Club in North Carolina. Young golfers provide players the opportunity to earn status points to quality for events at the regional, state level, and international levels. Priority status is dependent on attending 4 out of 6 tournaments and submitting the two lowest scores. In addition, as I viewed the names and score categories, each winning category has points attached and the local winners are those who accumulate the most points from as many as six tournaments. The more tournaments you enter, the more opportunities to accumulate points.

As I listened to Denise review basic golf information about the U.S. Kids Local Tour before players teed off to begin the tournament, I realized that these young players learn about all aspects of the golf game. Accompanied by adults who caddy and provide encouragement, young players learn the difference between sand traps and waste areas, how to take relief from standing water, etc. Until you play golf, you don’t really understand how to play golf. Learning by doing, learning by trial and error, and learning while improving as one acquires skill and patience, is truly the secret to participating in a life-long sport.

Status point winners in first place on January 28 included:
Mia Salatiello (Girls 8 and under); Olivia Haddock (Girls 9-10); Emberly Settle (Girls 11-12); Michele Burt (Girls13-14); Acey Anolis (Girls15-18.)
Adrian Randolph (Boys 6 and under); Lincoln Patsakham (Boys 7); Caleb Topp (Boys 8); Reese Riley (Boys 9); Pierson Hooper (Boys 10; Matthew Deroy (Boys11); Wiley Alford (Boys 12); Devin Grandt (Boys13-14.)

The First Tee Gulf Coast

In January, I watched young golfers with their adult partners enjoy nine holes of a unique golf competition at Shalimar Pointe Golf Course presented by the First Tee. Usually, I’m reporting about a junior golf event with young golfers competing. This particular event, the Winter Cup, involved children and adult partners. This two-player scramble was a modified tee version set up by age and gender, with low team awards 1st through 3rd place, male and female. There were also Pin Awards for closest to the pin for adults and juniors. This multi-age/player tournament was one of four throughout the year. A fun contes, it paired a young player with an adult who encouraged and mentored the young golfer in his or her first golf tournament.

“The First Tee organization is a nonprofit junior golf association.” said Marty Stanovich, President and CEO of the First Tee Gulf Coast. Marty has served our youth as Executive Director for over 15 years, being one of the founders of the local organization that began 20 years ago. The son of a professional PGA golfer, Marty grew up with the game. After retiring from teaching as a college professor at Pensacola Junior College and a Talk Radio host, Marty turned his attention and dedication to the First Tee organization.

The First Tee strives to enable kids to build strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of challenges. The game of golf is integrated into a life skills curriculum to build strength, self-confidence and resilience. This national organization’s leader is Honorary Chair, President Geroge W. Bush. The headquarters are in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl. Operational for twenty-five years, there are 150 chapters with programs delivered at 1,400 golf courses across 50 states and select international locations. The First Tee Gulf Coast serves youth ages 5-18 at over a dozen programming sites from Mobile, Alabama to Panama City, regardless of ability to pay. The majority of events are clinics, stroke play tournaments, and they also offer a series of other tournaments, mostly in the summer. Close to home, the Bubba Watson Mini-golf Championship is held at the home facility in Warrington, the site of the historic 1958 Goofy Golf Pensacola.

Winners of this event are listed in categories: Girls 5-11: 2nd place Joesph Morrow and Lyla Morrow; 1st place Corrina Gormley and John Gormley. Boys 5-11: 2nd place Mason Dean Hampton and Travis Ritter; 1st place Tyler Goodman and James Tyler Goodman. Girls 12-18: 2nd place Tenley Sharron and Tommy Sharron;1st place Charlie Perkins and Rayna Perkins. Boys 12-18: 2nd place Ian Jackson and Betty Glenn; 1st place Charlie Penrod and Adam Penrod.

A special mention of thanks must be given to the Shalimar Pointe Ladies Golf Association who funded much of the event to make it memorable for these young golfers. Swag bags, food, awards and encouragement were given to each participant. The ladies’ reward? Smiles and thanks from young girls and boys along with the knowledge that a future champion might mention their first start at the First Tee Winter Cup at Shalimar Pointe Golf Course.