Historic Capital Improvements


Carolyn Newcomer Ketchel, Okaloosa County Commissioner, District 2By Carolyn Newcomer Ketchel, Okaloosa County Commissioner, District 2

Okaloosa County is addressing a number of needed and historic projects in regard to infrastructure. The projects range from small to large, but the commonality is the historic level of capital investment for the future of our county. Completion of these projects will add to an ever-improving quality of life for our residents and business community. I wanted to share with my readership the significant progress that your County Commission is working towards with a listing of our initiatives.

Airport / VPS

Our airport system is one of the few airports in the country that does not have debt. We are therefore able to make the following improvements with more parking planned.
• East & West baggage claim expansion
• Covered Walkways

VPS Airport

Public Works

These projects are financed by Triumph dollars, grants surtax (1/2 penny sales tax), Legislative initiatives, DOT grants, gas tax and Tax Increment Financing.
• Southwest Crestview Bypass
• Shoal River / Jerricho Road Economic Infrastructure Improvements
• P.J. Adams Widening
• Santa Rosa Boulevard Redevelopment
• Bridge-to-Bridge Multi-Use Trail Project
• County Road 2 Safety/Bridge Upgrades

Information Technology

These much-needed projects are paid for by the half penny surtax program voted in by our Okaloosa County constituents. The communication project will assist the Sherriff and public safety officials in times of emergency.
• North county broad band project
• 800 Mhz P25 Phase II Emergency Communications Project
Parks and Facilities
The purchase of additional beach front property was a cooperative venture by the City of Destin and Okaloosa County tourism development funds.
• Destin Beach Parks Development
• Purchase of the Fairgrounds from City of Ft. Walton Beach (to be finalized this summer)

Water & Sewer

The Water and Sewer department is one of 4 enterprise funds in the county. These proposed projects are paid for in large part by your W & S Department and grants.
• Shoal River Ranch Wastewater Plant
• Niceville/Eglin Reclaimed Water Project
• Arbennie Pritchett Water Reclamation Facility Solids Handling Expansion

Perhaps the most important part of these projects is that we have not raised ad valorem taxes (which are among the lowest in Florida), and continue to live within our means. During these uncertain times, Okaloosa County continues to lead NW Florida towards historic capital investments for the future. As we watch our Congress struggle with the debt ceiling, we are proud that we have been able to accomplish so much with so little.

Okaloosa County Commissioner Carolyn Ketchel, District 2, can be reached at cketchel@myokaloosa.com or 850-651-7105.