Locals Gain Free Day Use Park Admission


Do you have a library card? Use it this summer to check out a day pass to your favorite local Florida State Park. The Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, in conjunction with public libraries across Florida, has partnered with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida State Parks, to offer State Park Day Passes to library patrons through The Real Florida Reader Day Pass initiative.

The Real Florida Reader program allows Florida Public Library cardholders to check out a Florida State Park Day Pass which provides park admission for up to eight people in a vehicle.

Participants are encouraged to check out books about Florida’s wildlife, horticultural and natural resources then explore a Florida State Park in their area to identify resources they learned about, according to the Department of State.

The program runs through Sept. 13. “We are proud to partner with Florida State Parks to offer park passes in Florida’s public libraries,” said Secretary of State Cord Byrd. “Florida has a rich historical and cultural heritage. The Real Florida Reader initiative provides the perfect opportunity for Floridians to get out this summer to explore Florida’s natural treasures.”
Locals Gain Free Day Use Park Admission

Find your local library and a state park by visiting the Real Florida Reader at www.floridastateparks.org/RealFloridaReader or Info.Florida.gov/RealFloridaReader.
Participants are also encouraged to share their stories on social media using Real Florida Reader.

Each library location will receive an allotted number of passes. They do not include entry to federal parks, national forests or national wildlife refuges. They are for day use access only and don’t include camping or any other fees.

For more information, visit FloridaStateParks.org/RealFloridaReader.