Patient Centered Care – Your Right to Choose


By Teresa Halverson, The Manor at Blue Water Bay

Spring is in the air and summer is on the way. As we get out and enjoy the beautiful area that we live, work and play in, accidents and illnesses do happen. As individuals, we all have a right to Patient-Centered Care from our Health Care Professionals. Exactly what is Patient Centered Care? This approach takes into account the totality of the individual needing health care. As a patient, you have questions, opinions and most of all choices for your health care needs. Patient Centered Care focuses on working together with the patient and family members, and not making decisions for them.

As we age, health concerns arise and cause anxiety. When you have a say in decisions about your health care needs and understand the treatment recommended, everyone benefits. Our area is blessed to have many acute and post-acute providers in our community that provide excellent health care services. If you need acute care, you have a choice. If you need post-acute care, rather it be for Home Health or Skilled Nursing Rehab, you have a choice. The patient is always in the driver’s seat to make these decisions. The only detriment to the care provider you choose may possibly be your insurance. Our senior population is growing and so are the Medicare Managed Care Replacement Plans. While many of the plans offer great benefits at reduced costs, they also direct your care and decide where you should go, and how long the care will be provided. It is wise to explore all the options of a plan you choose before switching from your regular Medicare. Some plans are now denying care by using Article Intelligence to scan clinicals to determine the care you may need. Patients are getting denied care when they clearly need continued care. Learn your rights as a patient to make your own decisions for health care benefits and care. It’s your right to choose.