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Boosting Your Immunity

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife Fall is here and although we have had some amazing mornings, summer is still showing up in force...

Dangers of Living a Sedentary Lifestyle

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife Some of us have sedentary seasons, others have sedentary jobs and others have sedentary lifestyles. The definition of...

Laughter Improves Our Health

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife LAUGH: To express certain emotions, especially mirth or delight, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied...

Skin and Mother’s Day

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife To every mom: Thank you for everything you do. Moms wear many hats—housekeeper, teacher, counselor, nurse, chef, chauffeur,...

Hypo and Hyper Thyroidism

By Kay Leaman, HealthyDay HealthyLife The thyroid is located at the base of the neck just below the Adam’s apple. Hormones produced by the thyroid...

There Are Surprises Behind Oral Health

By Kay Leaman, HealthyDay HealthyLife Did you know that there is a consensus emerging that maintaining good oral health can be an underappreciated practice for...

Can You Digest the Holidays? Gut, Constipation and Colon Health

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife What a great topic for the holidays! This is the time of year we escape from the disciplines...

Grounding – Why Should You Be Doing It?

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife Back in the early eighties, there was a really cool eatery/bar off one of the side streets just...

Detox (Cleanse), ‘Internal Shower’

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife In gathering information to share I discovered a few rabbit holes which I will attempt to avoid. These...

Intermittent Fasting For Better Health

By Kay Leaman, Health Architect, HealthyDay HealthyLife Intermittent: Coming and going at intervals, not continuous; occasional, limiting food consumption to certain hours each day. Intermittent fasting (I.F.)...