The Season of GENEROSITY!


“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” ~ Mother Theresa

By David Triana

I recently watched a Tedx Talk by Dr. Lynda Shaw, PhD on Cognitive Neuroscience. Dr. Shaw spoke about the effects that being generous has on the brain. The link to that video is at the end of this article. She starts by talking about greed and how, because greed tends to become addictive, greediness normally leads to negative things physically for the greedy person and worse yet, the nasty things that greed can cause people to do to others and exemplified by corporate and political corruption, tyrannical leaders, etc.

She then goes on to explain the effects that being a generous person has on our brain and body—how a simple act of kindness that you do can make you feel FANTASTIC as neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin are stimulated and result in beneficial things like feeling better emotionally, sleeping better and eating better. She mentions the positive effects as neuro peptides, such as endorphins (our body’s natural pain killers) and oxytocin (which helps lower inflammation, blood pressure and stress), are also activated.
It is no wonder that the Christmas season is so popular throughout the world, though most of us do not associate it with neuro-transmitters and hormone responses. It must be true that we as human beings are hard-wired to GIVE! Generosity is good for your health and good for your happiness!

During this time of the year, my spirit is always refreshed and especially when I think about my friend Ramon Gonzales. Of all the people I have met in my lifetime, Ramon exemplified GENEROSITY throughout the year, and during the Christmas season especially, he indeed became Santa Claus!

Three years ago, Santa Ramon succumbed to complications from COVID, but I have no doubt in my mind that he is in Heaven watching over his family. Ramon is also watching over every needy little girl and boy that, if it was not for the generous people throughout the world, would otherwise not have even a little toy for Christmas.

Christmas is described in many different ways; but, to me, it primarily represents generosity. The spirit of generosity is powerful, whether giving a special gift to a loved one, and even more so, giving it to others we don’t even know.

Ramón Gonzales lived in South Tucson, Ariz. In 1970, when the parents of the children where he lived did not have money to buy gifts at Christmas, it occurred to Ramón that he could do something about it.

Ramón didn’t have much money either. But, with what he had, he bought hot dogs and other things and organized a Christmas party and invited all the families in his neighborhood. In addition to food, he made sure to buy some toys for each child. This is how Santa Ramon founded what is now known as “Ramon’s Miracle on 31st Street” also known as Christmas in the Barrio.

Funny Child In Santa Red Hat. Portrait Of Lovely Boy. Merry Christmas

For many years now, Ramon’s party has been attended by more than 10,000 children each December and Santa Ramón and his small family have been the force that motivates that area of Arizona to UNITE to ensure that children of scarce resources receive something at Christmas. Although Ramon is no longer physically with them, his children, his wife and the true friends of Santa Ramon and his sponsors and donors, have made sure to continue his party and thus continue the legacy he left behind.

In 2005, together with several kind-hearted Hispanics and non-Hispanics, we founded what we originally called “LUCES NAVIDENAS” and that became the Emerald Coast Christmas Miracle Fiesta here in Fort Walton Beach. I still remember when Ramon told me the FWB Fiesta is “the daughter of his Tucson one.”

This coming December 17, United for a Good Cause Inc., composed of a diverse and multicultural group of individuals, will host the 19th Annual Emerald Coast Christmas Miracle Fiesta at the NWF Fairgrounds from 1–6 p.m. We invite you to visit for more details. We also invite families experiencing financial difficulties this Christmas to register via the website.

Our Christmas Miracle Fiesta was inspired by Ramón’s powerful example of generosity. There are thousands of children in our area who could use the help from people with generous hearts, families who simply do not have the means to give their children gifts during Christmas. Our organization, through the party, offers all of us the opportunity to make sure that the Spirit of Christmas is alive, an opportunity for you to be SANTA CLAUS, too!

We invite you to be part of this great event and join us as a volunteer or by donating a toy or making a monetary contribution for it. Visit Facebook or for more information.

God bless you and have a very Merry Christmas!

Tedx Talk Link:

Dr. Lynda Shaw, PhD, Cognitive Neuroscience – Generosity, Greed and Grey Matter: