There Are Surprises Behind Oral Health


Kay Leaman, 
HealthyDay HealthyLife
By Kay Leaman, HealthyDay HealthyLife

Did you know that there is a consensus emerging that maintaining good oral health can be an underappreciated practice for a longer, healthier life?

Even though having healthy gum tissue and removing the plaque buildup on a daily basis is important, it’s the microbiome that needs our attention. Our oral cavity is home to viruses, fungi and 700+ bacteria species. If we let our oral hygiene slip, this bacteria can travel throughout the body causing or exacerbating problems, from cardiovascular disease and cancer to Alzheimer’s and arthritis. On the flip side, keeping this environment in check staves off decline.

Recent studies, DNA sequencing along with more attention being given to a person’s oral health when they are dealing with other diseases has led to several connections:

• People with gum disease are as much as 20% more likely to be diagnosed with cancer compared to those with healthy gums. Another recent study revealed oral bacteria in the brain of those with Alzheimer’s. In very basic terms our oral bacteria could be hitching a lift inside specific immune cells (white blood cells) and traveling to other parts of the body (brain) and released when the white blood cell breaks apart. These processes cause inflammation and can create a snowball effect as the body can’t keep up with the invaders.
• 39 People with IBD (irritable bowel disease) had elective colon surgery and the affected biopsy samples were found to contain much higher levels of oral bacteria compared with nearby healthy colon tissue.
• One study tracked 10,000 healthy volunteers over 15 years and showed that participants with gum disease were more than twice as likely to go on to have a stroke as people without this condition. They have studied plaque that has been scraped from carotid arteries and the bacterial DNA revealed bacteria from gum disease. These bacteria are migrating to the arteries and building a home by forming a protective layer preventing antibiotics and the body’s natural defenses from attacking them. Once they are established, these bacteria cause atherosclerosis by provoking immune cells to release a chemical that turns LDL cholesterol into a special oxidized form that builds up on artery walls.

Flossing and brushing before bed and brushing in the morning should become a ritual. Don’t be in a hurry. Take time to curve the floss around each side of the tooth, bringing the floss below the gum line and back up. Also, remember to brush your gums. It increases circulation and stimulates the tissue. Do not add pressure when brushing; be gentle. Begin using a tongue scrapper after brushing. I am amazed what actually remains on the tongue between all those little fungiform papilla. GUM brushes can be used after every meal or snack which cleans debris between the teeth. You might also consider an oral probiotic (Contact me for details). And since fluoride is added to water and toothpaste as well as the dentist’s office list of therapies (‘for our benefit’), let’s take a quick look.

Fluoride is a byproduct of the element fluorine. There are three types of fluoride produced (Fluorosilicate, Sodium Fluoride and Hexafluorisilicic Fluoride). Of these, Fluorosilicic acid is the most regularly used additive for our water and it is not pharmaceutically graded. It’s a byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer, aluminum, steel and cement industries. The warning labels on these products are marked with hazard signs (corrosive, toxic, health hazard, harmful) and must be handled using great caution. Fluoride is a cumulative toxin and increases with the amount and length of exposure. It also has an insatiable appetite for calcium which can deplete the natural calcium hydroxyapatite that contributes to bone density, thus making our bones more brittle.

As of December 2019, 72 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence. Over 60 animal studies concluded exposure impairs learning and memory capacity of animals. 62 studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ and IQ examinations were of 23,773 children (62 studies) and 245 adults (2 studies).

In October 2022 The National Toxicology Program (NTP) published a review draft of fluoride neurotoxicity conclusion: “…Fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopment hazard to humans. This conclusion is based on a consistent pattern of findings in human studies across several different populations showing that higher fluoride exposure is associated with decreased IQ or other cognitive impairment in children.”
You can repair a cavity, but you can’t repair a child’s brain.

A few other known health effects are cardio toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine dysfunction and hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Anyone drinking this water is prone to toxic cumulative and highly reactive substance. The younger you are, the worse are its effects.

Consider these questions: Can you guarantee that no toothpaste is swallowed while brushing? What about fluoride treatments? Please take some time and learn more about this in-depth topic which I have only skimmed. It can help you make an informed decision with your next purchase and dental visit.

If you would like a list of the top sources of fluoride in daily life, email with Fluoride in the subject line.

Here’s to Health!