Wait to Prune Cold Injured Landscape Plants


By Larry Williams, UF/IFAS Extension Agent, Okaloosa County

Recent freezes have resulted in many people questioning whether to prune or not to prune cold damaged plants. The short answer is — wait. Winter’s not over. Our winter temperatures go back and forth all season – one week it’s winter, the next week we think spring has sprung and then winter decides to pay us a visit again. This is typical here in Northwest Florida.

It’s difficult to tell how much damage has been done to plants in the winter. Pruning immediately after a freeze will cut away live wood that doesn’t have to be lost. Also, leaves and branches, which have been killed, can help protect the rest of the plant when the next freeze strikes.

Some of the more tender landscape plants such as bananas, cassia, gingers, tropical hibiscus and many of the tropical perennials may have been killed back to the ground. Don’t give up on them too soon. These plants may surprise you by sending up new shoots come spring. Some of these plants require warm soil temperatures before they’ll produce new growth. Many of the gingers, for example, may not show any signs of life until April or May.

Some winter and spring flowering plants such as camellias and azaleas may experience flower bud damage. This will be evident at blooming time with few to no flowers. Cold damaged camellia flower buds will either drop off the plant or only partially open showing brown centers. Stem damage will show up in spring and early summer when some of the branches die. Cold inured leaves will fall as new spring growth occurs.

Individual woody stems on some azalea and bottlebrush plants are likely to split or crack during a freeze. These injured stems/branches are subject to dieback the following spring or summer. It’s best to wait until these branches begin to die before removing them, during spring or summer. When pruning, make sure to cut below the split or injured area into healthy wood.

When spring really has sprung, you’ll know what survived and what didn’t. That’s the time to prune.