Brian Muhlbach Appointed to Serve as Community Resource Deputy


From the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office

Deputy MulbachOne of Okaloosa County Sheriff Eric Aden’s top goals is enhancing communication to build even stronger relationships between the citizens of Okaloosa County and our Deputies. One way of accomplishing this is through promoting the concept of community policing and establishing Community Resource Deputies throughout the county.

Community policing is a strategy of policing which focuses on strengthening bonds or partnerships with community members. In the OCSO Central District, which encompasses the southwestern portion of Okaloosa County including Fort Walton Beach, Mary Esther, Shalimar, Cinco Bayou and Hurlburt Field, Brian Muhlbach was recently appointed to serve as the Community Resource Deputy. Deputy Muhlbach began serving in law enforcement in 2004 and joined the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office in 2018. He has served in several roles throughout his career, giving him the ability to explain the ins and outs of how local law enforcement operates. Deputy Muhlbach’s primary focus is establishing and facilitating programs which build trust and understanding between our citizens and the Sheriff’s Office. He is responsible for addressing quality of life issues such as ongoing nuisance issues, educating the public, and serving as a liaison for the many programs and services offered by the Sheriff’s Office.

One way of promoting communication and transparency is with routine town hall style forums and Neighborhood Watch meetings. Through collaboration with the Crime Prevention Unit, Deputy Muhlbach meets with groups to inform them on issues facing our community and to discuss ways to prevent criminal activity. Undoubtedly, one of these issues involves vehicle burglaries. Approximately 95% of the vehicle burglaries reported to the Sheriff’s Office involve unlocked vehicles. Citizens are reminded to LOCK your car, TAKE your keys and firearms and HIDE any personal belongings.

Other programs offered by the Sheriff’s Office include active shooter, workplace violence and personal safety training and security surveys for churches, homes, condominiums and businesses. These programs are offered at no cost and on an ongoing basis. Neighborhoods or groups interested in hosting a community meeting, or those interested in the programs mentioned in this article are encouraged to contact Deputy Muhlbach at (850) 651-7410 ext. 2539 or by email at