Fight! Fight! Fight! Trump Boat Parade


Join the Fort Walton Beach Trump Flag-Waving Team and I’m a Florida Trump Girl, Saturday, October 12, for the “Fight! Fight! Fight! Trump Boat Parade.”

Line-up will begin just east of the Mid Bay Bridge in Destin, between 9:30 and 9:55 a.m. Kick off at 10 a.m. sharp begins with a prayer and the National Anthem. The boat parade will travel up the sound and end at the Liza Jackson Park area in Fort Walton Beach.

Trump Boat Parade FWBThis is the second Trump Boat Parade this group has hosted for the 2024 election season and the fourth since 2020, which included more than 2,200 boats in 2020! “After the previous boat parades, we have had numerous people contact us and say that they had not heard anything about the parades or they would have participated,” said Anne Ziegenhorn, co-founder of the two groups along with Deidre Cannon and Shannon Hyder. “Getting the word out has been one of our biggest obstacles, since we are a FREE organization that does not collect dues or fees. This time, we have businesses and people willing to sponsor the event which will help with advertising and other expenses,” continued Anne.

There will be a $5 registration fee to cover the cost of materials and printing of the boat bibs (boat numbers.).

In order to get registration information or if you are interested in sponsoring the event, please send an email to or text 850-376-5634. All sponsorship money and names are due by Monday, Oct. 7, in order to print the banners.

“We love making it a fun event for all who participate on the water and for those who watch from bridges, boats and land. We love seeing all the decorations on the vessels and hanging from the bridges.” The first 100 vessels to register will receive a gift bag with Trump swag.

The Fort Walton Beach Trump Flag Waving Team meets every Tuesday from 5 to 7 p.m. in front of AJ’s on the Bayou in Fort Walton Beach. They wave flags, give out free Trump swag and connect with the community in support of President Trump. If you would like to become a part of the team, find out more at