It’s Time to Take Care of Yourself


It’s Time to Take Care of YourselfDr. Richard Chern, M.D.

We’ve been providing hormone therapy for over ten years. In that time thousands of patients have received bio-identical pellet therapy and we are one of the largest and longest-running bio-identical hormone pellet therapy clinics in the Southeast. I’ve seen so many lives change for the better with bio-identical pellet therapy.

As we age hormone levels decrease and this is normal but I see it occurring at different rates for different people. I have patients in their seventies with untreated natural testosterone levels in the 900’s. These patients spend most of their time outside the US eating clean foods and staying amazingly active. Unfortunately, that’s not how most of us live.

I believe because of our lifestyles, exposures, food, and activity levels, our hormones begin falling much sooner than they should. Many people have the idea that hormones are only for sexual function but our patients will even tell you this is just one of the many positive effects of bio-identical hormones. Mood and outlook improves, relationships with spouses, family members, and coworkers improve, sleep improves, stress reduces and so much more. You are more understanding of others, more forgiving, more loving.

This doesn’t even touch on the health benefits. Unfortunately, many doctors will tell you hormone therapy is not safe, not proven, and may cause cancer or some other harm. I was taught the same way. Unfortunately, these doctors are just wrong. They fail to keep up with the medical literature and are unable to consider the possibility that medicine has evolved over the last fifty years. Even the American Heart Association changes blood pressure treatment guidelines every couple of years. It’s unfortunate because when doctors disagree it causes confusion and fear in patients.

We do have patients in their 20s but I always say if you are over forty you should have already seen me. That’s when I got treated and it was a life-changing event that has made me happier and healthier than I have ever been in my life.

If you struggle with motivation, mood swings, irritability, fatigue, or just don’t feel like you’re at your optimum then it’s time to take care of yourself. Come get your labs done and let us talk to you about how bio-identical hormone therapy can help different aspects of your life and health. I hope to see you soon.

Dr. Richard Chern, M.D. provides hormone therapy to men and women from across the country. He is also on staff at BioTE Medical and teaches hormone therapy to new providers including providers right here in our local area. Dr. Richard Chern, M.D. treats countless doctors, medical providers, and first responders in the area as well. He is a platinum BioTE provider and runs one of the largest BioTE hormone clinics in the country right here in Miramar Beach. Call Dr. Richard Chern, M.D. today for an appointment at The Hormone Restoration Center at 850-837-1271.