Meet Our Hometown Hero: Zachary Woodard and Lightz of Hope


By Michelle Ruschman

Lightz of HopeOne of the greatest forces for good can be a child looking out for other children. Zachary Woodard was such a child and LightZ of Hope is his legacy through his parents, Brent and Susan, along with their team. Through this program, children who are hospitalized can receive fun lights that project color onto their walls and ceiling to create an atmosphere of fun and joy during a stay that might be hard and extended. The lights not only brighten their days, but also those of the staff and visitors as well.

Zachary was born on May 20, 2003, at 4 lbs., unable to breathe on his own or swallow. At one-month-old, he went through surgery for a tracheotomy and g-tube. Shortly after, he was diagnosed with Myotubular Myopathy, a disease that causes the muscles to stop developing. Needing a ventilator to help him breathe, he battled with numerous hospitalizations due to pneumonia or infection; however, even though his muscles were weak, he had a sharp mind.

Susan shares the day that Zachary planted the seed for their foundation. “Zachary was recovering from his spinal surgery when a dear friend came to visit us at the hospital and brought a strand of color-changing Christmas lights to decorate his room. Our friend, Monica, hung the lights around the bedrails, and every morning I would get up and turn the lights on. These very simple, inexpensive lights changed this sterile uninviting environment into an uplifting welcoming space. When Zachary woke up, he told me how much he liked his lights. That sweet face looked up at me and asked, ‘Do you think we could do this for other kids?’ I had the biggest smile on my face and responded, ‘Buddy! I love that idea! Let’s talk more about that when we get home.’ Well, Zachary went to be with Jesus not long after that conversation—very quickly and very unexpectedly he went to his eternal home.

Lightz of HopeDriving home from the hospital that day without Zachary was a total shock, but then it hit me. I said to my husband, Brent, ‘I know what God wants us to do! Zachary told me! We are supposed to gift lights to other kids who are being hospitalized.’ The idea for the foundation was born. After some collaboration with Zachary’s friends and family, we landed on LightZ of Hope. The capital Z is for Zachary. Hope is for all the medically fragile kids and their families. We all need hope to visualize a pathway towards something better. Our pastor used to say, ‘We all need hope to cope.’ And we do!”

Susan and her family know that the greatest relief from caring for a child with severe illness or disability can come from a community that just lets you know you aren’t walking it out alone. “Friends showed up at the hospital and prayed for us and with us. Sometimes, people did not know what to do, but they showed up. We call that the ‘showing up ministry.’ One of the ways we were supported was through meals and groceries. There was one lady in our small group who brought us a meal every week for months. There was another lady who would show up just to bring us groceries.”

Having felt that outpouring from her own circle, LightZ of Hope has grown in scope and opportunity into the CareZ program. “We also now provide financial assistance to families in a medical crisis. Families are identified through the social workers at the hospital and referred for a specific need like rental assistance due to loss of income. Other needs can include meals in the hospital, medications not covered by insurance, etc.”

Lightz of HopeEven as they miss him every day, getting to be there for other families has been a great source of joy for Zachary’s family. “Since we started our foundation, I have so many favorite stories, but this one in particular speaks to my heart. In December 2021, we had the privilege of providing financial support for many families in medical crisis. Brent and I had decided in advance that we would bless each family with $1000 during the Christmas season and I got to call each family personally to notify them. After one family was notified, the mother began to cry and exclaimed, ‘God heard my prayers!’ She said that the previous evening, she laid a bill on the table that they were unable to pay. The overdue bill was $990. She cried out to God for a way to pay this bill. Of course, we had nothing to do with any of those details, but God knew, and He met their needs through our foundation. We were able to be a light in their dark circumstances and were used to meet this family’s needs.”

Since their first delivery, The Zachary Woodard Foundation has gifted almost 10,000 LightZ of Hope across the U.S. and Alaska and has provided over $400,000 in financial assistance. Looking to grow their reach in Northwest Florida, they are hoping to find local partners who will help them develop the fundraising and outreach effort of their CareZ program by expanding their network of volunteers and donors. For information on how to become part of this incredible organization, email You can also follow them on Instagram @LightZOfHope and Facebook, LightZ of Hope.

If you know a child with a medically complex condition or life-threatening diagnosis, nominate them to receive a gift from LightZ of Hope at