Remember our Seniors During the Holidays


Caring for Those that Cared for Us

The holidays are here and once again, we are most thankful to live, work and play along the Emerald Coast. It is also time to remember to spend time with those that have cared for us. The holidays can be a depressing time for a lot of people, especially seniors. It tends to serve as a reminder about who is not there to celebrate anymore and how they cannot often go to where everyone else is gathering. Long-Term Care/Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living facilities often have seniors without any extended family in the area. Little to no visitors, birthdays and holidays often leaves an empty feeling for our aging population. While caregivers do their best to make every occasion special, having a visitor, friend and/or family member visit makes all the difference in the world to each individual. It is human nature to feel loved, appreciated and cared for.

Senior Placement CummingOne reason why the holidays are so important to seniors, is they give them time to reflect on their lives. Looking through photo albums is a great way to reminisce about the past. Taking time to look at photos and ask questions creates an opportunity for one to “tell a story.” Becoming a “senior” is an achievement in life. We need to remind them how blessed they are and how much richer our lives are for spending time with them.

Perhaps it is time to start a new tradition this holiday season and carry it through 2023. All facilities have a volunteer program. Have you considered including in your holiday plans to adopt a “grandmother or grandfather” in a facility? Maybe your church or civic group would be interested in volunteering and spending time with seniors. Spare a little time to help bring joy to others during this joyous time of the year.

Perhaps this holiday season is your year to “make a difference” the lives of others. Happy Holidays!

~Teresa Halverson
Director of Business Development
& Community Relations
The Manor at Blue Water Bay